About me

Hi I am Aravindh Muthuswamy welcome to my site. Some introduction about me, I grew up in chennai, a metropolitan city in India, Ever since i started studying about computers the idea about data and scale of data facinated me. After that in my first job i was designing dashboards inside web applications that got interested in how data influences business decisions. So inorder to pursue my facination i learnt Data Science that opened up a whole new world about data and different scale of data. That lead me to my current job as a software developer in complexica which uses data science and artificial intelligence to lead customers into making business decisions.

My research work during my Data science study is Learning by Vision and Manipulation for Embodied Agents in which i use self learning neural network to perform image segmentation. I really like to work on projects that deal with data and machine learning that can be used by business to make decisions. Please contact me using my email below if you like to collaborate

My qualifications

  • Master of data science (2019-2021)
  • Master of computer applications (2014-2016)
  • Bachelor of computer applications (2011-2014)

I work with the following technologies

Programming languages: Java, Python, Javascript
Frameworks: Spring boot (Java), Fast API, Flask (Python), React(Javascript)
Databases: Postgres
Data Science libraries: Pandas, Matplotlib, SciKit-Learn, Pytorch

My Email: aravindhm6@gmail.com    
My Blog: https://aravindhdatascience.blogspot.com/

My Blog posts

Card image

Deriving the postive and negative factors from hotel reviews using NLP

Data driven decision making is an art of making decisions and improvements on business using data analysis. Today data is collected in every means possible. For example, the duration taken by you to read this article is a data.

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My projects

Automated Server and network management system
An open-source project which provide network insight using automated monitoring and management of servers and network devices. It provides a dashboard which gives overview of what is happening with the whole architecture. Build on machine learning algorithms that provide precise insight and predictions to keep the server and network running 24/7.
Technologies used: HTML 5, CSS 3, Bootstrap 4, Javascript, Python, Bash script, Visual basic.net, PHP, MySQL, RESTful API
Artificial intelligence-based Office automation system
This project is developed as a open source and it is a office automation system which will provide tools to manage a office or business and has tools from notice boards to mail and it also has smart dashboard to provide intelligent data analytics on the operations of the office.
Technologies used: HTML 5, CSS 3, bootstrap 4, Javascript, PHP, MySQL

My publication

Machine learning on High Dimensional Big Data
with Dr. J. Dhillipan and Dr. R. Agusthiyar
The concept of reducing the dimension of big data using various methods have been implemented but, in this paper, I am proposing a method of reducing the dimension of the big data using artificial neural network because the methods like it is far more efficient than methods like principal component analysis

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